Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Last Week

Hey Everyone,

Sorry for the long time between posts.  It has been storming here for the last week, so the internet has been out for days, so I am back to using the mobile internet.  So sorry no pictures this time.  I can't believe that it is already my last week.  Time has flown by.  I just hope that I have been able to make some lasting changes in the hospital.   I did freak out a little today when the doctor overnight had put a 3 week old with pneumonia on IV aspirin.  
  There are many things I will miss about Rwanda.  The amazingly nice people.  I will also miss taking care of patient with true disease instead of things that they did to themselves.  I will also miss seeing the unrelenting faith that they have despite poor health care and lack of nutrition.  
  There are definitely some things I will not miss.  I can't wait to get back to the land of high speed internet.  I really did not realize how dependent on it I was.  I actually have not missed having a cell phone, which has been a surprise for me.  While "Africa" time was funny at first, it has gotten more frustrating as my time has gone on.  However, probably the biggest thing I miss about the U.S. is having my personal space.  People really just don't care about personal space issues here.  People love to hug and grab on you or try to hold you hand.  As most of you know, I am not a touchy, feely person, so I enjoy it when people respect the personal space.
   I did see the funniest thing the other day.  It is not uncommon for two men to be holding hands when walking especially teenagers.  However, yesterday I saw two the military guys with their AK-47s on their back holding hands.  It was the funniest thing I have ever seen.  I wanted so badly to take a picture.  However, I didn't feel like going to Rwandan jail.

Hope all is well,

"Not so with you.  Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave to all.  For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."  Mark 10: 43-45


  1. The time has flown by and I'm sure you are going to miss aspects of Africa. I'll make sure to hug you a lot and ask to hold hands so that it's not too much of a shock when you get back! haha- you know I love you! Can't wait to have you home :)

  2. Have a safe journey home! There's no place like it !
